Technology Matters and We Need To Support The Levy

Luisa used the document camera on my desk to share the drawings in her sketchpad with the rest of the class. Jackson added photos of his grandfather to his Google Slides presentation after our class read The Giver by Lois Lowry.  Families stay caught up with projects and learning using the Week at a Glance posted on my website. Olivia uses speech-to-text to type her thoughts, producing essays.  Asa used Quizlet to create flashcards for the class to practice for their test on prefixes, roots, and suffixes. These are just a few examples of how technology was used in my 7th grade classroom at Woodward- this week.


After watching the morning broadcast, created by students with guidance from their teacher, we headed to the gym for an assembly. Student speakers found their voices and leadership skills as they stepped up to the microphone in a gym packed with middle schoolers. The visual aids and sound equipment for the assembly were provided by Tech levies.


Please vote.  Now is not the time to be complacent. Technology specialists in our schools keep students’ and staff equipment running. Washington state does NOT provide dedicated technology funding. Audio books, printers, laptop computers for every student in grades 3-12, phones, and safety radios are included in the Tech levy. It is important that we pass this levy to keep pace with ongoing inflation in the technology sector and to cover increasing costs in cyber-security and safety. Staff require continued training, and technology requires maintenance.

Julee Longridge, Bainbridge Island

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