Support Needed

To the editor:

As a Bainbridge High School teacher, a parent of two BHS grads, and a graduate myself, I urge you to vote yes to renew our schools’ levies Feb. 13. We in the BISD schools depend on our community to stand behind us as we face today’s education challenges.

Even though the state provides funding for “basic education,” educating our kids costs a lot more. When I ask my students to write an essay or watch a French-language tutorial on their devices, I can do so knowing that the technology levy ensures every kid has a chromebook to use, regardless of family income.

And when students in my class struggle, I know my colleagues and I can put together the right academic, psychological or social-emotional support, all thanks to funds from our E&O levy. I can’t emphasize enough that I would never be able to provide the quality of education my students need and deserve without the colleagues, programs and equipment funded by these levies.

Your continued support means so much to all of us. Please show our community’s kids that you want the best for them by voting yes.

Emily Bayley Eigen, Bainbridge

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